Sunday, 23 October 2011

Fat Bottomed Girls - They Make the Rockin' World Go Round

I live out in the countryside. (I think I may have mentioned that before!) One of the first things I noticed here were the cattle. My grandfather always had a couple head, sometimes dairy, sometimes beef, so I had entry level knowledge of eastern Canadian breeds. But this Belgian breed was new to me. So I turned to my favourite resource for information – GOOGLE.

                                     Googling ‘Belgian cattle breeds’ brought me to Belgian Blue.

The Belgian Blue has a natural mutation of the gene that codes for myostatin, a protein that counteracts muscle growth, leading to “double-muscling”. In other words, the body’s natural ability to prevent the over-growth of muscle tissue is impeded. This mutation also interferes with fat deposition, resulting in very lean meat.

 ‘My’ Belgian Blues live about 2 kilometers from my house and I have come to know them as Big Daddy and the Girls, Big Daddy being the bull who always accompanies the Girls.

                                                            That's Big Daddy in the middle

1 comment:

  1. So, I think I have the same gene... and I think some of those cows are related to me!!!
